Contact Details

How to Reach Me

The best way to initially contact me is by e-mail. If you would like to schedule a session,  we can, then, determine whether we best talk by video chat / messenger (for options, if interested, see here) or in person. As I tend to be abroad for extended periods, there is a chance that I might stay in your region, too. So do not hesitate to ask whether any sessions are possible at your location.

You can find my contact details including further relevant information here, on my general website, or just use these:

Dr. André Marhaun
Weißdornweg 18
34125 Kassel


Phone: +49 (0)561 3502 9691


Further Information possibly Required by Law

1. VAT Registration Number: DE319326912

2. Due to European laws we need to inform you about the topic below  – we ourselves strive to settle everything peacefully and according to our consciousness. We just follow the law here by giving these information:

Online Dispute Resolution according to Art. 14 I, II Online Dispute Regulation: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform for the settlement of their dispute. However, I am not required to and have not subjected to using it.

Information regarding § 36 VSBG: The owner of this site and provider of the services offered thereon (E-mail address see above) is not obliged or willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration body and therefore is nt obliged to name any such a body here.

However, in the event that a dispute should have arisen (we hope, of course, to offer neither reason nor occasion for such a thing and to provide you with the best service at all times; in this respect, these remarks are only provided here for your information and for legal reasons, see § 37 VSBG), we would like to point out that the competent consumer arbitration board would be the Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8 in 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Germany (, and that, as already mentioned, we would not be obliged nor prepared to participate in a dispute arbitration procedure. In the relevant case, we would inform you of this again in another legally compliant manner.