About & Bio

Here, you can find some general information about the site and my offers and biographical information.

Investigator of Truth

Why is this site called “Investigator of Truth”? Because I want to help you to find out more about who you truly are, about what you really want in life and how you can achieve it.

If you already know what you want: That is great, then, let us only work on how to achieve it, considering the best pathways and examining how to prevent or overcome potential impediments or obstacles on that path.

The name also implies that we will try to look at the core truth of everything, if you wish so. From that base lasting success, lasting happiness can be assured.

Dr. André Marhaun

I have worked in the field of law in Germany, as a coordinator for international relations of a Japanese city and as an educator in Germany, Japan, Australia and South America for two decades. Since my studies at the universities of Tübingen, Berlin (FU), Freiburg and at Doshisha University Kyoto, I have been interested in what truly lies at the heart of humanity.

In my studies, I specialised in questions of justice and peace (e.g. in my book “Human Dignity and International Law. Man, Justice and Peace”: Menschenwürde und Völkerrecht. Mensch, Gerechtigkeit, Frieden. Tübingen: Medienverlag Koehler 2001) and on what is the essence of a human being.

I have worked with both young and adult people of from many nations. This has given me a deeper insight into people and cultures.

I now use this knowledge to help people find their true goals and help them to walk their path into the direction of what they truly want.

In my work, I draw both on knowledge as well as intuitive feelings, if they come. This enables me to speak with understanding. I will guide you in order to help you become clearer about your path and realise your full potential.

To contact me, just click here. To find out more about the services I offer, please see here.